Elena Bortolato

About me

I am a post-doctoral researcher in Statistics at Universitat Pompeu Fabra and the Data Science Center of the Barcelona School of Economics, working with prof. David Rossell and prof. Stephen Hansen (UCL) on high dimensional graphical models. I earned my PhD in 2024 under the supervision of prof. Laura Ventura and co-supervised by prof. Pierre E. Jacob (ESSEC) and prof. Robin J. Ryder (Paris Dauphine). My research interests include Bayesian and frequentist inference, robustness and misspecification, Monte Carlo methods, in particular Markov Chain Monte Carlo on manifolds



A list of publication is available on Google Scholar . code can be found on GitHub .

Preprints and Working papers

  • Adaptive partition factor analysis, joint work with A. Canale (submitted)
  • MCMC on manifolds and couplings, joint work with P.E. Jacob and R.J. Ryder
  • Box-Confidence depth: simulation based inference with hyper rectangles, with Laura Ventura (working paper)
  • Current teaching activity

  • Computational Machine Learning, 2024-2025, Master in Data Science Methodology, Barcelona School of Economics, ES
  • Computational Learing and Deep Learning, 2024-2025, Master in Data Science for Decision Making, Barcelona School of Economics, ES
  • Seminars and conferences

    Upcoming talks


  • PhD in Statistics, Padova, 2024. Thesis title: Advancements in distribution sampling for statistical inference
  • Msc in Statistics, Padova, 2018-2020. Thesis title: Bias reduction in Multivariate equicorrelated Gaussian models (Best Thesis in Mathematical Statistics 2020, Società Italiana di Statistica)
  • Bsc in Statistics, Padova, 2015-2018. Thesis title: Methods and models for music analysis
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